Thursday, May 21, 2009

DICWC speak at Perth Praxis!

Two people from the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee will be speaking at Perth Praxis this Friday the 22nd of May, at the Earthwise Community Centre, 317 Bagot Road Subiaco. The event starts at 7pm.

Uncle Ben Taylor, a local Aboriginal elder, has been up at the Ian Ward inquest in Kalgoorlie providing support for the family of Mr Ward. He has campaigned for justice for his entire adult life. Uncle Ben is an inspiring & articulate champion for his people.

Ann has been working on this campaign for 26 years and brings a wealth of insight and experience to fight for human rights for Australian aboriginal people.

This is truly a Perth Praxis not to miss!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Next Event

Our next Perth Praxis event is this Saturday the 9th of May in the South-East corner of Hyde Park in North Perth.

PERTH PRAXIS - Picnic and Discussion in Hyde Park, Saturday May 9th

Perth Praxis aims at bringing a wide variety of progressives, artists, radicals, activists and free-thinkers together to share experiences, networks and knowledge so that we may build a culture and community of resistance and change.

Many people in Australia are questioning the definition of a 'democracy' that asks for its citizens opinion on various issues only once every three or four years when we go to the voting polls. And many of us are not satisfied with the important decisions that create our society being left solely in the hands of politicians who make campaign promises to win our votes, then double back on them once they're elected.

Our society is designed by people in positions of privilege with the purpose of perpetuating their wealth and power, and naturally their designs involve the exploitation of others. So long as we sit back and let governments make all the decisions for us they will gladly do so. Alternatively we can take action and work towards co-creating the kind of society we can really enjoy living in.

This Saturday May the 9th a group of concerned individuals interested in working towards social, economic and environmental justice will come together for an afternoon of discussion and socializing as a part of the ongoing Perth Praxis events.

In the wake of global May Day actions, local activist and poet Mike Ballard will discuss the history of the Industrial Workers of the World as well as elaborating on the formative experiences that have shaped his political thinking.

Where: South-East Corner of Hyde Park, North Perth
(look for the black and red flag).
When: 3pm Saturday the 9th of May

Perth Praxis is about building culture and we encourage all musicians, poets and artists to come and share their works - whether it be through performance or an art piece, prose, CD, zine etc.

If you are sick and tired of being a frustrated spectator and want to be part of the solution - please come, bring your ideas, questions, family and friends.

Please byo food and drink to share.

NB: Please respect the nature of this gathering and do not hand out any political party based brochures or flyers. Information on activist campaigns is, however, more than welcome.